Personalized Nutrition

Making food a journey instead of a chore


“Donna has changed my life. I dropped 30 lbs. in 3 months, and I am maintaining. I am eating healthier than I ever have. I am eating a wider variety of foods, and I’m loving my meals and my life. My kids have also gotten more involved with cooking and even eat brussels sprouts with my new healthy way of cooking. My life and their lives have forever been changed and I am incredibly grateful.

People tell me I glow, and I do, because I feel fantastic and healthier than I ever have and because I am nourishing myself inside and out. Don’t wait. Nourish yourself with Donna’s amazing expertise on your health, diet, and well-being.”

Nutrition That Works For You

Your nutrition consultation will focus on educating you on how you can achieve overall good health.  Donna will provide you with what you need to know on the importance of a proper diet, macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber), and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) necessary for general wellness. 

More focus on specific concerns is offered on the following:

  • Weight Management

  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Management

  • Diabetes Mellitus

  • Pediatric and Adolescent Health

  • Nutrition for Disease-Specific Nutrient Needs

Icon of blood vessel with cholesterol blocking artery, East West Wellness

Barry S

“My cholesterol levels hovered in the worrisome range of 260-265 until I met Donna Sigmond. Donna did a nutritional analysis of my eating habits and suggested some very specific dietary changes to help lower my cholesterol. It worked! By increasing my fiber intake, adding Omega-3 fish oil, and watching a few items I like a bit more closely, my cholesterol level went below 200 without any prescriptions or other major changes.”

Take Your Nutrition To The Next Level

Do you want to become more fit?  How about understanding how your environment affects your body or why you have difficulty losing weight even though you avoid certain foods?  Now you can gain a better understanding of how to work with your body to optimize your goals of getting fit, staying fit, and feeling great. 

Nutrigenomics is the use of your genetic information to provide a customized nutritional program. Our nutrigenomic testing and functional testing can help target specific areas of concern from cardiovascular health and energy metabolism to physical activity optimization.

Lingering questions about patient care or treatment options?

Dr. Donna offers a free 15-minute discovery call.