Energetics of Food

Energetics of Melon: Origins Unknown
A summertime favorite, melons are a great way to beat the heat and get a yummy snack in! The origins of Melon’s are highly debated by historians. Some say they came from Persia, others Africa, and even Afghanistan. While the origins may be disputed, everyone agrees that melons have been around for a long time. Melons are high in beta-carotene and vitamin A (vision health), vitamin C (immune support), potassium, vitamin B6, folate (heart health), and S.O.D (insulin regulation, cellular damage protection, and fatigue support). Energetically melons are great for preventing and treating heat/sunstroke, as well as helping to regulate digestion.
In Chinese Medicine, the 5 flavors are pungent, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. The SAD (Standard American Diet) consists primarily of just 3 of the 5 flavors. Your diet should consist of a balance of all 5 flavors for optimal health. Balance does not refer to equal amounts, but to bring the body into harmony with your own constitution and the seasonal influences.