Energetics of Food

Energetics of Rice: A Grain Like No Other
Rice has been a staple food for over 9,000 years and today it is consumed daily by more than half the world. It is a great source of antioxidants and heart-healthy phytonutrients.
We are taught about protein, carbohydrates, and fat in the western diet. Compounds such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals are also familiar to most of us. As a dietitian, I educate, assess, and discuss food choices with people daily. What is not taught in western education is that foods and herbs have energetic properties. These properties affect specific organs and meridians that can strengthen, cleanse or regulate the body’s processes.
Welcome to our Energetics of Food Blog. The energetics of food is the fundamental theory of food as medicine.
Rice has been a staple food for over 9,000 years and today it is consumed daily by more than half the world. It is a great source of antioxidants and heart-healthy phytonutrients.
In Chinese Medicine, the 5 flavors are pungent, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. The SAD (Standard American Diet) consists primarily of just 3 of the 5 flavors. Your diet should consist of a balance of all 5 flavors for optimal health. Balance does not refer to equal amounts, but to bring the body into harmony with your own constitution and the seasonal influences.