Energetics of Food
Energetics of Beet Greens: Mean and Green
Beet Greens are a misused vegetable as most people just throw away this part of the beet when cooking, but they are throwing away an excellent source of nutrients! Beet greens have a similar taste and texture to spinach and Swiss chard. It is time to start incorporating this delicious vegetable into your diet!
Like the beet roots, beet greens also contain phenolic phytonutrients, manganese, and copper which protect the body from free-radical damage. Beet greens also contain a high amount of fiber which has been found to help lower total cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels.
In Chinese Medicine, the 5 flavors are pungent, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. The SAD (Standard American Diet) consists primarily of just 3 of the 5 flavors. Your diet should consist of a balance of all 5 flavors for optimal health. Balance does not refer to equal amounts, but to bring the body into harmony with your own constitution and the seasonal influences.