Energetics of Food

Energetics of Fennel: The Flattering Vegetable
During medieval times, fennel meant “Flattery”. Some believed it earned that name because monks in the Middle Ages cooked with fennel and everyone praised them for how good their dishes were. Fennel is rich in Vitamin C and other health-promoting antioxidants, including anethole which is also an anti-inflammatory compound. Energetically fennel is a great Qi mover. Healthy digestion depends on the healthy and free movement of Qi.
In Chinese Medicine, the 5 flavors are pungent, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. The SAD (Standard American Diet) consists primarily of just 3 of the 5 flavors. Your diet should consist of a balance of all 5 flavors for optimal health. Balance does not refer to equal amounts, but to bring the body into harmony with your own constitution and the seasonal influences.